

Angelica - Angelica archangelica

A statuesque biennial, angelica will attract pollinators to your plot; it prefers rich damp spoil but is tolerant of most conditions as long as it does not dry out.Young stems are candied or used with other fruits to reduce acidity and add sweetness in jams and marmalade. Angelica can be pureed with rhubarb to make an excellent mousse or fool. Seeds can be added to biscuits and a liqueur can be made with the root - it is an ingredient in Benedictine.

How to grow

HB - 1.2-2.4m/4-8 feet, propagate by seeds sown in autumn in situ or in pots. Will self seed if seeds are allowed to scatter.

How to Harvest

Cut the young leaf stems to use with rhubarb and other fruits. To harvest seeds cut off the whole flower head, place in a paper bagĀ and leave to dry in a warm, dry place. The seeds will drop off, they can then be stored in an airtight jar.


May need staking in a windy spot.