Globe Artichoke


Globe artichokes – Cynara scolymus                               Rotation group - Others

The globe artichoke looks more ornamental then edible; it is grown for its fleshy, succulent flower buds. The French artichokes have large buds that are hollowed out and stuffed and the Italian types produce much smaller buds that are eaten whole. Globe artichokes are hardy perennials that will need lifting and replanting every three years. They can be grown from seed but the usual way is select roots from the best plants when lifting and dividing them. They enjoy a sunny warm site that is free draining they do not appreciate cold, water logged soil.

Varieties to choose (sold by Kings Seeds): -

How to grow


The seed can be sown in the open ground during April but it is better to sow the seeds in a cold greenhouse or frame during March/April in small pots or trays filled with fresh seed compost. The young plants can then either be grown on a nursery bed if there is space available or transplanted directly in their final positions.

Growing on

The major problem with plants that are raised from seed is that they will be variable. As they grow through the summer some plants will produce vicious spines on the underside of their leaves which makes harvesting a painful experience. These must be dug up as soon as possible they have no future on the allotment. Select only the best plants and reject any that don’t look strong and healthy Try not to allow the young plants to bud up in the first year remove any flower buds as soon as they are develop. At the end of the first summer most of the rogueing out will have been completed. Any gaps in the rows can be filled with fresh plants or divisions from the selected plants. From the second year on the plants can be allowed to crop. Because of the time it takes to select good specimens from the seed raised plants it is better to buy in named cultivars from nurseries. These will arrive in the Spring as root divisions and will still need the first summer to become established.


Globe artichokes are hungry plants and require a well prepared site; dig in plenty of organic matter in the autumn before planting the bed up in the following Spring. Mulch all over of the ground between the plants each Spring and protect the crowns from hard frosts during the winter.  Cut away any damaged or decayed leaves.  Water individual plants in dry periods and keep a look out for blackfly.

How to Harvest

Cut the swollen flower buds just before the scales show signs of opening up and cut them with about 4ins/10cms of stalk to prevent them from drying out. Globe artichokes have to be used as soon as possible after cutting because they will not stay fresh for long.


The main pest is blackfly spraying regularly with insecticidal soap to control any outbreaks.