The National Allotment Society - National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd

Message from Kings Seeds

Many of you have contacted us here at Kings Seeds to say thank you for working 7 days a week throughout the pandemic, something that resulted in the majority of the office team contracting the virus earlier this year. That situation did cause communication difficulties and perhaps led to misunderstandings when the website had not been updated and we could not answer all calls and emails. We assure you that allotment orders were prioritised but Covid restrictions, reduced staffing levels in the warehouse due to social distancing and a massive increase in orders, caused despatch delays that we all have found frustrating.

Kings are a small company offering quality seeds at affordable prices that does its best for its customers and cares for its staff, who are all now very tired after working long shifts for the last year. Hopefully we will soon be putting the worst of the pandemic behind us and enjoying our plots, our staff will have recovered and we will all be back to near-normal routines.

The team at Kings Seeds thank you for your understanding and patience.