The National Allotment Society - National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd

Educational Activities from the Yorkshire Agricultural Society

As part of its charitable work, the Yorkshire Agricultural Society works to educate others about the countryside. One of the Society’s aims is to show young people where their food comes from and to educate them about rural life. The Society bring young people to the showground and introduce them to all aspects of the environment, through a series of events, workshops and initiatives.

The events encompass many of the statutory requirements within the Science Programmes of Study for KS1 and KS2 and EYFS Early Learning Goals within Understanding of the World, in addition to offering endless cross-curricular learning opportunities. All courses and school events are funded by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. The commercial activities of the Society, including Fodder, the Society’s local
food shop and cafe, Pavilions of Harrogate and the Yorkshire Event Centre contribute to the funding of the Society’s charitable work.

Click here to read Muddy Matters, the YAS newsletter with details of events and courses.

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